Moh Shah Logo Image
Mohammad Shahriari

Heshmat / Babashah

Two projects with approximately same code-bases. It was firstly Babashah, then with a re-design, Heshmat has been born!

Project Image

Project Overview

Babashah is a solitare game, with a saga map and lots of characters and mini-stories. Heshmat has the same core game (with different art), but it's meta is simplified by removing it's characters and stories.
After Keyvan, the developer of Babashah left the studio, I joined the team. I was responsible to maintain Babashah, in terms of updates and adding new features. Heshmat also was mostly developed before I join the team, but the finalization and release builds was my responsibilites.
The core architecture was following MVP rules. Dependencies was getting handled by a cutome implementation of Service Locator.
In Babashah, besides doing maintanance stuff, I added two major features:
- Boosters: 3 boosters to be purchased with in-game coins, each affecting the gameplay in a different way.
- LiveOps: a board-game like game mode as a liveOps.
Project Image As the code-base of these projects was nearly the same, Boosters got integrated into Heshmat too.
Project Image In Heshmat, besides managing the publish phase, we added:
- a competitive mode as a liveops, in which players would get score by doing some missions and then rank-up in the leaderboard.
- DDA (Dynamic Diffivulty Adjustment)

Tools/Things to Mention
